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Enrol in Music Tuition at Ormiston

Conditions of Enrolment:

  1. I/We have read and accept the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment for the Music Tuition Program.
  2. I/We understand that the minimum period of tuition for a new student is one semester (two terms) and that each Vocal and Instrumental Music Student will receive one half hour lesson per week, unless otherwise agreed.
  3. I/We acknowledge that only lessons that have been missed for acceptable reasons and with adequate notice provided (as outlined in the Terms and Conditions), will be ‘made up’ by the Music Tutors. In the event that a make-up lesson is not practically possible, a credit will be applied to the Parent Account at the end of the term.
  4. I/We understand the procedure I/we are required to follow in order to inform the Music Department of my/our student’s absence and thus have a lesson qualify as an acceptable absence.
  5. I/We agree that it is my/our child’s responsibility to remember their lesson time each week and to arrive at each lesson on time and prepared.
  6. I/We understand that all students in the Vocal and Instrumental Program will sit an in-house exam each semester, must participate in the Co-curricular Music Program and perform at a minimum of one student recital presented at the College each year.
  7. I/We understand that Vocal and Instrumental Tuition Fees will be billed as per the Music Tuition Schedule of Fees. I/We also understand that these fees will be billed to my/our Parent Account and are to be paid in advance each term.
  8. I/We accept that if these fees are not paid by the due date, the College has the right to refuse my/our child’s continued enrolment in the Vocal and Instrumental Program and may offer their position to another student.
  9. I/We understand that this enrolment is ongoing and acknowledge that lessons can only be discontinued at the end of a school term, with the proper notification, and that there will be NO REFUND of music tuition fees if lessons are discontinued at other times.
  10. I/We understand that there may be additional costs required for music and theory tuition such as a home-play diary, method books, instrument accessories and external examination fees. Where these resources are provided by the College, these costs will be communicated to parents in advance and will be charged to the Parent Account for the applicable term.
  11. I/We understand that if I/we wish to withdraw my/our child from the Music Tuition Program a minimum of four weeks written notice must be given to the Dean of Music prior to the end of term to avoid being charged for the following term.