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The Value of Instrumental Music

The Value of Involvement in the Instrumental Music Program at Ormiston.

Instrumental Music participation is an important part of school life 
1. Students enjoy making music and many continue to play music throughout their lives
2.    Involvement in the music program can bring the school community together, raise the school’s profile in the community, and boost morale
Instrumental Music education can have benefits to other areas of learning
3.    Enhances fine motor skills
4.    Fosters superior working memory
5.    Cultivates creative thinking
Instrumental Music education facilitates student academic achievement
6.    Improves recall and retention of verbal information
7.    Can support skills in other subject areas such as reading and language, maths, and other art forms
Instrumental Music education develops the creative capacities for lifelong success
8.    Sharpens student attentiveness and creativity
9.    Strengthens perseverance
10.  Supports better study habits and self-esteem.
"We teach music because it is unique and good. We teach music so that children can make their own music. We teach music because it acts in a unique way on the heart, mind, soul and spirit of the child, stimulating thought and imagination in very special ways.
These are the real reasons for teaching music.
There are, as well, some wonderful bonuses of a tangible nature which can eventuate when music is taught. It is a matter of fact that the faculty of hearing is one of the first faculties developed in the womb. It is also a fact that in order to comprehend music, hearing, in the form of focused listening and strong concentration, must occur."

Richard Gill