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A Weekend of Music for Ormiston College Choral Program Students

Over the weekend from Friday 22 July through to Sunday 24 July, members of the Secondary School Choral Program journeyed to Brookfield for an intensive weekend of choral workshops.

We were lucky enough to be joined by a guest clinician, who is well-respected in his field, the wonderful Tim Sherlock. During the time spent at Brookfield, we were tested and challenged vocally and learned many new techniques that we can apply in our future choral ventures.
In our free-time many games were played, much food was eaten, and many Pokémon were caught. Everyone who attended, from Year 7 through to Year 12, enjoyed the experience thoroughly. We certainly recommend that all choral students attend the next one, as the experience we gained was invaluable, and the fun we had was unforgettable.

Ben Holmes and PJ Keasey
Year 12 Music Students 

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