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Ormiston College Music Tour to Europe

On Friday 17 June, a group of 21 music students from Years 8 to 12 embarked on a trip of a lifetime as participants of the Ormiston College 2016 Music Tour to Europe. The itinerary comprised what is ostensibly a pilgrimage to the cradle of Western Civilization’s musical heritage – Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic.

Accompanied by staff members Mrs Emma Dron, Ms Sandra Middleton, Mrs Victoria Taylor and official pianist Mr Carson Dron, this wonderful opportunity allowed students to experience the fervour of festivities and activities during the start of a European Summer whilst also allowing them to perform in some truly magnificent locations and venues.
The musical touring troupe consisted of a brass and saxophone ensemble, a guitar trio, a string ensemble, a flute duo and some outstanding soloists. All touring musicians also formed a combined choir. The main destinations for the tour included Munich, Prague, Vienna and Salzburg. The students performed a wide variety of musical styles and genres to warm and appreciative audiences in venues including the stunning Baroque Church, St Peterskirche in the heart of old Vienna.
In addition to the students’ own music making, they also experienced world class performances including an awe inspiring concert by the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra presenting Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana with over 400 musicians combined in the famous Smetana Hall.
There is no doubt that the journey the students and staff embarked upon together provided a musical and educationally rich experience, the memories of which will be treasured for a long time.

Emma Dron
Dean of Music